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A new Master design to transform the back office

What they wanted

Our client - a pension provider for the metal and electricity industry-is developing technology for the pension administration to serve its two million clients. Our team is part of a big program to transform the whole IT landscape of the back office and interfaces to a diverse range of systems. When we started this project our main focus was to analyse the business wishes and deliver the right design for the IT-system. First, we had -what we called the ‘Masterdesign phase’- in which we did a deep dive into the business processes, the architectural principles and application landscape and challenged this architecture. In this phase we also started a documentation of how the system would look in the end phase: we described functionality and processes, object model, services and interfaces.

What we did

The ‘masterdesign’ gave our client more insight in the system and the confidence to start with the first minimum viable product (MVP). This MVP showed that our way of working leads to a successful implementation of one of the core functionalities. Within this MVP we created -besides detailed designs of the specific MVP- also the foundation for several functionalities, based on patterns. Both from a business view and a system view. We also helped our client by testing these functionalities. The foundations are the base to implement new functionality on a solid ground and more predictable. It gives our client trust that they are able to implement this new system successfully and future-proof.

What we achieved

‘IG&H has a tremendous amount of analytic competence and has the drive and ownership to deliver result’ - Manager IT


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