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IG&H welcomes Inca van Uuden as CHRO

Inca van Uuden joins IG&H in September 2024 as Chief Human Resources Officer. With over 25 years of experience in several HR leadership and consultancy roles, Inca van Uuden is now moving from energy service provider Essent to IG&H. Inca’s special focus areas are leadership development, transformation, organizational development and HR strategy. At IG&H, she will focus on leadership and talent development, culture and transformation.

"My ambition is to further strengthen the culture and leadership of IG&H and of our clients in the digital transformation processes we develop and facilitate. Focus on leadership and culture is one of the most important aspects in transformation processes but often gets too little attention. Our capabilities in strategy, transformation and technology make us a great partner for our clients in digital transformation processes," explains Inca.

head shot of Inca van Uuden, new CHRO at IG&H

On the cultural side, Inca strives to lead by example in order to attract, develop and retain talent.

"For me it's important that we practice what we preach, so we bridge the external world of our clients with the internal world of IG&H. This approach will accelerate our business and learning curves, which is attractive both for our clients and our (new) employees. Two important topics if we look at the speed of technological developments and the continuing war for talent!"

Joost van de Meent, CEO of IG&H: “We are honored and excited to have Inca on board as a client-facing CHRO. I’m proud as Inca will become both CHRO as well as Lead of the IG&H Transformation Practice, which results in a unique client-facing role.”

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